Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Last Night I Had A Dream

It was mostly about this guy I used to work with. He was the one who got the job I originally interviewed for, although I ended up getting a better one, depending on how you look at it. In the dream there was all this shit that kept going on. The settings and people were changing and things were going on. Conversations and arguments and fights and meetings. The whole time this guy was cutting apart something that resembled pizza but was not like any pizza I'd ever seen. The problem was his hands. They were jacked. Tightened up in fists like someone with that disease that makes you do that. He was completely focused on getting these pizza like masses sliced regardless of the fact that his hands weren't up to the task. His knuckles were rubbing through the food and making a mess and he struggled mightily with each gnawing line slice. I kept watching and feeling uncomfortable as the things happened and changed all around me.

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