Saturday, August 30, 2008

McCain Chooses Sarah Palin as VP

So yesterday John McCain suprised almost everyone when he announced that his VP/running -mate would be Sarah Palin (Gov. of Alaska).

So the question is why would McCain do this? Here are some reasons that I have heard with my comments as well:

- Sarah Palin will draw Hillary supporters to the McCain camp.
+ Palin & Clinton could be more different as far as their ideologies go... if someone is going to vote for McCain only because he as a woman as a running mate they are an idoit

- McCain also wants to do something "historic."
+ He could have picked Carly Fiorina to be historic as well. The problem with Palin is that she will appeal mostly to same conservatives that are already for McCain... she will not draw an additional base of voters for McCain

- Palin has a good story. "hockey mom turned governor."
+ She does have a good story, but that doesn't carry much weight when you are potentially the next President of the United States

- Palin has executive experience
+ She was the mayor of a town with 9,000 people & the Governor of a state with 670,000 people... the US has a population of 300,000,000

In my opinion, this pick was a bust but I'm pretty biased so we will see.

All I know is that when I saw the pick I was like

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