Thursday, May 28, 2009


from 2/2009:

Sometimes in a room I have spent a lot of time in I start to feel like the ceiling is coming down and the walls in. The place itself becoming too small for me to fit in it. As this happens I wonder if it is a metaphor that where I am I have become too big for. Then I realize it's my own mind that did it all.

I get angry or maybe it's frustrated with my friends and the people close to me. I usually feel justified. After reflection my sympathy always grows and I set out determined to do good only to lose it in the moment at the realization that my reason for anger or frustration was justified. And the cycle begins again.

When I see a woman's body I take it in and enjoy it. I imagine the way it would look if she took off what she was wearing. I think about the shape of her breasts. her shoulders and her neck. I think about the shape of her arms and the delicateness of her hands. I imagine the shape of her thigh and the smoothness of her skin. The way her curves create shadows of the light. I imagine her warm vagina. The best place for my penis. I love a woman's breasts. I love a woman's ass. I love a woman's stomach. I think about the possible shape of her nipple. I wonder whether her vagina is pretty and fit or sloppy hanging loose? Still fun but for different things and different levels of commitment. The most critical aspect in a man's relationship with a woman is her naked body.

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